
40ml ( Praziquantel + Pirantela pamoate ) suspension Oral for Dogs for deworming in nematodes and cestods Drontal® ,VIRBANTEL®,DRONCIT®

$42,90 $37,90




Suspension of light yellow color. Storage allows for delamination, which disappears after shaking.



1 ml of the preparation contains active substances:

Praziquantel 15 mg;

Pirantel pamoate 45 mg.




Pharmacological properties:

PBX vet QP52A, anti-tramatode, antimonematode and anticesthetic veterinary drugs (QP52AA51 – Praziquantel, combinations, QP52AF02 – pirantel ).

Pranathan suspension for dogs – antihelminthic preparation of wide spectrum of action, which contains active substances prasiquantel – derivative of pyrazinisoquinolone and pamoate pyrantel – derivative of tetrahydropyrimidine.

The antiparasitic effect of the preparation is due to a combination of components that show a synergistic effect against adults and larval forms of flat and round helminths.

The mechanism of action of Praziquantel consists in suppression of synthesis of fumaratreductases on membranes of myofibril and in neuromuscular synapses as a result of which there comes a paralysis and death of helminths.

Pirantel pamoate blocks neuromuscular transmission by depolarization in parasites sensitive to it, causing their paralysis. The nicotinelike properties of pyrantel, like acetylcholine, inhibit cholinesterase.




Deworming of dogs in case of invasive diseases:
Cesto-doses: Echinococcus granulosus, Teniidosis (Taenia spp.), Dipylidium caninum, Dipyllobothrium latum, Mesocestoidosis.

Trematodoses: opistorchosis (Opisthorchis felineus);

Nematodoses: toxocarosis (Toxocara canis), toxascarosis (Toxascaris leopina), trichurosis (Trichuris spp.), ankylostomosis (Ancylostoma caninum), untsinariasis (Uncinaria stenocephala), dirofilaria (Dirofilaria repensens, D.immitis).





Oral individually with feed or directly to the root of the tongue using a syringe dispenser during morning feeding:

in a dose of 1 ml / 6.6lb (3 kg) of animal body weight.

The treatment is performed according to the indications.

In case of strong infestation deworming is recommended to be repeated after 10 days.

Prophylactic deworming is performed quarterly, as well as before each vaccination in therapeutic doses.

The suspension bottle should be thoroughly shaken before use.

A preliminary hungry diet and the use of laxatives are not necessary.



Contraindications :

Do not use animals with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Do not use puppies up to 2 weeks.

Do not use in sick or exhausted animals.

Cautions: Do not use the product on puppies that are sick or exhausted:

Pregnant females can use the drug 3 weeks before delivery with caution under the control of a veterinarian.



Dry dark, inaccessible to children, place at temperatures between 32-77F (0 to 25 ° C).

Do not store together with food, beverages and animal feed.

Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture.



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