
2,2lb ( 1000 grams ivermectin ) pellets Oral dogs, cats, cattle, pig, rabbits, poultry with mature and larval nematode forms, lice, mites Ivomec®

$98,90 $88,90





Micro granules 2-4 microns in diameter, light yellow, odorless, slightly sweet and pleasant.
PBX vet QP54AA, avermeectins (QP54AA01, ivermeectin)

1 grams of the preparation contains:

ivermectin – 3.5 mg



Light yellow powder, micro-granulated, odorless.


Pharmacological properties

Ivermectin is a mixture of two semi-synthetic derivatives of avermectins, which are macrocyclic lactones. It stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter for inhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), blocks the transmission of nerve impulses through the interneurons of the ventral nerve trunk of nematodes and neuromuscular joints of arthropods, causing paralysis and death of parasites.



Treatment and prevention of animals with damage to endo-and ectoparasites:


  • mature and larval forms of nematodes Ascaridae, Metastrongylidae, Oligacanthohynchidae, Ollulanidae, Strongyloididae, Trichonematidae, Trichuridae;
  • ticks Demodex phylloides, Sarcoptes parvula, S. suis;
  • вшами Haematopinus suis;

bird (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks):

  • nematodes Acuaridae, Amidostomatidae, Ascaridae, Capillariidae, Dioctophymidae, Heterakidae, Syngamidae, Tetrameridae;
  •  Argas persicus, Dermanyssus chickens, Epidermoptes bilobed, Kremidocoptes chickens, K. pneumoniae, К. of the battery, Syringophilus bipectinatus;
  •  Menopon gallinae, Menacanthus stramineus, Goniodes hologaster, Lipeurus caponis, Echilnophaga gallinacean, Ceratophyllus gallina;


  • nematodes   Oxyuridae, Strongyloidae, Trichoslrongylidae;
  • Ticks Psoroptes rabbits, Cheyletiella parasitovorax, Listophorus hump-backed;
  • fleas Spilopsyllus cuniculi (carriers of myxomatosis);

dogs, cats:

  • nematodes Anisakidae, Ancylostomidae, Ascaridae, Capillariidae, Filariidae, Grenosomatidae, Thelaziidae, Trichuridae;
  • ticks Ceyletiella jasguri, Demodex canis, Notoedres cati, Otodectes cynotis, Sarcoptes canis, skin parasites Ctenocephalides canis, Linognathus setotus, Trichodectis canis;

cyprinid fish:

  • monogenetic suckers of Dactylogyridae;
  • parasitic crustaceans Lernaea surrinasea, Argulus foliaceus.


Do not administer to small breeds of dogs and puppies under the age of 6 months.


Dosage and administration

The drug is used as a group method.

Doses of the drug for different types of animals are shown in the table.

Animal species

Dose, grams / 22lb (10 kg) of body weight


Pigs 2 In the period of growing and fattening. The calculated dose is mixed with a 7-day feed rate, the obtained LKS is fed for 7 days.

Dog, cat ‘s


2 The calculated dose is divided into 3 parts and fed with minced meat for 3 days. The drug is used individually in the same doses.
Rabbits 1 The calculated dose is mixed with a 3-day feed rate and fed for 3 days. In the presence of ectoparasites, the treatment is repeated after a week. At the same time, they carry out the deacacification of the premises with permitted insecticaricidal agents.
Domestic bird 1 The calculated dose is mixed with a 3-day feed rate and fed for 3 days. In the presence of ectoparasites, the treatment is repeated after a week. At the same time, they carry out the deacacification of the premises with permitted insecticaricidal agents.
Cyprinid fish 1,2 The dose calculated for a particular pond is divided into 2 parts and added for 2 days, after which the LKS is prepared by wet pressing on the day of feeding: compound feed – 5 kg, Brovermectin granulate – 6 g (per centner of fish).


When preparing LKS, it is important to mix the drug thoroughly with food. To do this, the components must be connected gradually.

After the last use of the drug, slaughter of pigs, rabbits and poultry for meat is allowed after 15 days. People can eat eggs after 7 days.


In a dry, dark place at a temperature of   15-75F   (–10 to +25 ° С).

Shelf life
 is 3 years.


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