
120ml ( Clotrimazole + Dimethyl sulfoxide ) treatment in Dogs, Cats skin lichen and fungus, trichophytosis and microsporia

$39,90 $34,90



4 packs   4 x 30 = 120 ml

Liquid from light yellow to light brown with a weak specific odour.




100 ml of the product contains active ingredients (grams):

clotrimazole, propolis extract, dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerine, isopropyl alcohol distilled water.

Pharmacological properties:

The preparation has a pronounced fungicidal action in relation to the pathogens of trichophytosis and microsporia of dogs and cats.
Auxiliaries increase the fungicidal activity of clotrimasol, help reduce inflammation of the skin, improve healing of damaged tissues.




Treatment of dogs and cats with trichophytosis and microsporia.




The preparation is applied to the skin with a tampon at the rate of 0.2-0.3 ml per 22lb (1 kg) of animal body weight.
Treatment is carried out once a day for 10-15 days until clinical recovery of animals, confirmed by microscopic examination of skin scrapes.

To prevent lick of the drug, the animal wears a muzzle, which is removed 15-20 minutes after treatment.



Contraindications :

Do not treat pregnant and lactating animals; for infectious diseases of animals; puppies and kittens under 4 weeks.

Cautions: Do not treat pregnant or lactating animals; treat puppies and kittens under 4 weeks:

Until the wool is completely dry after the treatment, do not allow the animals to lick the preparation, let them near open fire and heaters.



Storage :

Dry, dark, inaccessible for children and animals, separate from food and feed, at temperatures between 32-42F (0°C to 25°C).

Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture.


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