
1000ml ( Tylosine + Carbocholine + Beta-carotene ) for strengthening the contractile function of the uterus after childbirth, for the treatment of purulent-catarrhal endometritis of various stages of inflammation

$94,90 $89,90




The preparation is a liquid from orange to red with light opalescence.
Sediments are allowed.



1 ml of the preparation contains active substances:

Tylosine -10mg;

Carbocholine -0.05mg;

Beta-carotene -0.4mg.



Pharmacological properties:

It has a wide range of antimicrobial action, promotes renewal of the contractile function of the uterus of cows, patients with postpartum purulent-cataratal endometritis and regeneration of the uterine mucous membrane.

Tylosine tartrate, which is part of the drug, accumulates in a sufficiently high concentration in the cavities of the animal body, which contributes to a more effective etiotropic effect of this drug in the intrauterine administration. The mechanism of tilozine action consists in violation of protein synthesis in microbial cell by irreversible binding to SOS – ribosome substance.

Carbocholine increases the tone and strengthens the contraction of uterine muscles.

Beta-carotene participates in the regeneration of epithelial tissues and increases their resistance to infections.

It is a low-toxic drug, has no allergic effect and is eliminated from the body during the day.



To strengthen the contractile function of the uterus after childbirth, to treat purulent-catarrhal endometritis of various stages of inflammation.
Positive effect of the drug is noted on the mucous membranes of the birth tracts.




The drug is preheated to a temperature of 95-105 F (35-40 ° C) and thoroughly shaken.

In postpartum acute endometritis the drug is administered intrauterinely in a dose of 50-60 ml per head at an interval of 48 hours until recovery.

In chronic endometritis the preparation is administered intrauterinely in a dose of 40-50 ml per head at 48 hours’ interval until recovery.

In subclinical endometritis the preparation is injected intrauterinely in a dose of 15-20 ml per head in 12-24 hours after insemination.




The drug is injected intrauterinely in a dose of 15-20 ml per head 12-24 hours after insemination:

The drug is not used in pregnancy and mechanical intestinal obstruction.




In case of overdose and hypersensitivity, intoxication is possible. In these cases atropine or other cholinolytics are used.

It is allowed to slaughter animals for meat not earlier than 72 hours after the last use of the drug, and the use of milk as a food for people not earlier than 48 hours after the last use of the drug.



Dry, light protected place at temperatures between 40-77F (5 ° C to 25 ° C).

Shelf life – 12 months from the date of manufacture.


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