
1000grams ( Sodium Salinomycin 12% ) chicken broilers, goats, rabbits, pigs Prevention and treatment of coccidia caused by eimericides Premix

$89,90 $79,90



Granules of light brown color with a specific smell.



100 grams of the drug contains

the active substance:

Sodium Salinomycin  – 12 grams



Pharmacological properties:

ATS-vet QP51A, drugs against protozoal infections.

Sodium salinomycin — polyester informy antibiotic. Penetrating into the biological shell, coccidium increases the permeability of sodium and potassium ions, activates Na+ transport and thus increases the intake of Na+. This inhibits the participation of potassium and sodium ions in metabolic processes, leads to the accumulation of a large amount of water in cells, causes the final termination of the development of schizonts coccidia.

Spectrum of action: Salinomycin is active against a large number of Gram-positive bacteria (cocci, Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus spp., Micrococcus luteus, Listeria monocytogenes, Serpulina hyodysenteriae, Clostridium perfingens, etc.). It is especially valuable for its effect on anaerobic bacteria (clostridia, treponemes, etc.) that settle in the digestive tract and cause dysentery, necrotizing enteritis and other intestinal infections in pigs and poultry. It has weak activity against Gram-negative bacteria, several pathogenic fungi and yeasts.




Prevention and treatment of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria:

in broiler chickens: E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E, maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. tenella;

in goats (young): E. arloingi, E. ninakohlyakimove;

in rabbits: E. intestinalis, E. magna, E. perforans, E. Flavescens, E. stiedae.




The drug is used with food for broiler chickens from the first day of life, young goats and rabbits from the moment of weaning from females (goats, rabbits) in doses of:

broiler chickens-    11lb (0.5 kg) per 2200lb ( 1000kg) of feed;

goats (young) – 20.0 grams  per 220lb (100 kg) of feed;

rabbits — 20-40 grams per 220lb (100 kg) of feed.

The drug is stopped being fed 5 days before slaughter.

To ensure complete dispersion of the drug with the feed, it should first be mixed with a small amount of feed, and then added to the entire feed.

In pigs the drug is administered with feed starting from the moment of feeding and up to the end of fattening period.

The drug is administered to pigs at the rate of 333 grams per 1000 kg ( 2200lb) of feed, 250 grams per 1000 kg ( 2200lb) of feed to sows, 125 grams per 1000 kg ( 2200lb) of feed to fattening pigs.

For prevention of dysentery in pigs, administer with feed at the rate of 500 grams per 1000 kg ( 2200lb)

To ensure uniform distribution of the drug, daily dose is mixed with a small amount of mixed fodder, and then introduced with careful mixing into the feed designed for consumption by pigs during a day.




Do not use simultaneously with other coccidiostatics.

You can not use animals for 7 days before and after the use of the drug Tiamulin. Do not apply to laying hens, turkeys, horses.




Before using the drug, you must accurately calculate the dose.





Store in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 40F  ( 25 °C) .

Shelf life-2 years from the date of manufacture.

After opening the package-6 months.


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