
1000ml ( Diclazuril 0,25% ) for animals with hemorrhages, coccidiosis analogues Clinacox® , Stafac® , Protazil™ , Flavomycin® , BMD®

$164,90 $144,90




1 ml of the drug contains:

diclazuril – 2.5 mg;


Pharmacological properties

The active substance of the drug diclazuril is a chemically synthesized neonophore from the class of benzeneacetonitriles, which disrupts the energy metabolism of the endogenous cycle of coccidia development. The substance acts on all types of poultry coccidia ( E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatris, E. tenella, E. adenoeides, E. gallopavonis, E. meleagrimitis  , etc.), rabbits ( E. flavescens, E. intestinalis, E. magna, E. perforans, E. Stiedai etc.), cattle and small cattle, pigs. Non-sexual stages of the endogenous cycle of coccidia development are most sensitive to the drug. Diclazuril does not cause side effects even when the recommended doses are exceeded by 25-50 times. The drug has no mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects, it can be combined with other drugs. The substance is thermostable, effective in small doses, does not cumulate in the organs and tissues of animals.




Prevention and treatment of coccidiosis of poultry, pigs, rabbits, cattle, sheep and goats caused by:

in chickens  –  E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. tenella, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E.mitis ,

in turkeys  –  E.adenoides, E.meleagrimitis;

in geese, ducks  – E.anseris, E.truncata ,

in rabbits  –  E. flavescens, E. intestinalis, E. magna, E. perforans, E. stiedai ,

in piglets  –  Isospora suis; E.suis, E.debliecli, E.scabria, E.perminuts ,

in young cattle  –  E. bovis, E. zuernii; E.mipsoidalis, E. cylindrich ,

in young sheep and goats  – E . crandalis, E. Ovinoidalis, E.arloingi, E.intricata, E.faurei .




The drug is fed with food or drunk with drinking water in the following doses:

poultry  – 0.4 ml of the drug per 2,2lb  (1 kg) of body weight per day for 2 days;

rabbits, young cattle, sheep, goats  – 0.4 ml of the drug per 2,2lb  (1 kg )of body weight per day for 2 days;

piglets  –  2 ml of the drug per  2,2lb (1 kg) of body weight individually inside once. Through the dispenser (mediator), the drug is administered in the undissolved form or the mother liquor is prepared in a ratio of at least 1 liter of the drug / 10 liters of drinking water.




Do not use in animals with individual hypersensitivity to diclazuril.

Do not use simultaneously with other coccidiostatics.

Do not use for females during pregnancy and lactation, as well as poultry during egg production.



Drink the drug with drinking water to the bird and animal for at least 12 hours a day. When the drug is dissolved in water, it is necessary to add the drug to water, and not vice versa. Do not use in animals during pregnancy and lactation. Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed 5 days after the last use of the drug.

Slaughter of poultry for meat is allowed 5 days after the last use of the drug. The period of Kareniya for young cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs – 0.



A dry, dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature of  40-77F     (5 ° C to 25 ° C). Do not store with food, drink or animal feed.

Shelf life  – 2 years from the date of manufacture, after dissolution in water – 24 hours.


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